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Big Bocs Bwyd ​

On site, we have our Big Bocs Bwyd, which is a community 'pay as you feel' shop. It is a non-profit shop that has become a huge asset to the community. We have strong vision for sustainable living, lowering food waste and experiencing food literacy in its most authentic way. The children, staff, and community are a huge part of its success and through the efforts of all; our community allotment and garden is growing from strength to strength.

Benefits of our BBB! 

  • Food literacy: Ensuring our children are aware of where our food comes from and that this is source of nutrients to help us grow and stay healthy
  • A space to grow: A social space for our families to build friendships and upskill when volunteering
  • Basic needs: Ensuring our families have all they require to care for their families 
  • Curiosity to explore: Trying and knowing about new foods
  • Autonomy: The children using the shop to choose snack and ingredients to cook


You can find our Big Bocs Bwyd Shop next to the Reach Centre.