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Big Bocs Bwyd ​& Grangetown Kitchen Garden

On site, we have our Big Bocs Bwyd, which is a community 'pay as you feel' shop. It is a non-profit shop that has become a huge asset to the community. We have strong vision for sustainable living, lowering food waste and experiencing food literacy in its most authentic way. The children, staff, and community are a huge part of its success and through the efforts of all; our community allotment and garden is growing from strength to strength.

Grangetown Kitchen Garden has been established and is run by our amazing volunteers. They maintain our community allotment, community cafe and weekly Marketplace. 

Benefits of our BBB! 

  • Food literacy: Ensuring our children are aware of where our food comes from and that this is source of nutrients to help us grow and stay healthy
  • A space to grow: A social space for our families to build friendships and upskill when volunteering
  • Basic needs: Ensuring our families have all they require to care for their families 
  • Curiosity to explore: Trying and knowing about new foods
  • Autonomy: The children using the shop to choose snack and ingredients to cook


You can find our Big Bocs Bwyd & Grangetown Kitchen Garden next to the Reach Centre.